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The Hidden Costs of Payroll Delays in New Zealand

In New Zealand, a surprising 84% of pay runs take longer than a day, and 92% can take up to three days. These delays are more than a hassle—they can seriously impact businesses and their employees. - NZQBAImpact on BusinessesCash Flow Problems: Delays can mess up cash flow projections, making planning for expenses or investments hard.Employee Morale: Late pay can reduce trust and morale, leading to higher employee turnover and associated costs.Compliance Issues: Delays can cause complianc...

July 4, 2024

Tax-Savvy Bookkeeping Tips for Kiwi Businesses

Bookkeeping isn’t just about numbers – it’s about smartly managing your finances while staying compliant with New Zealand’s tax laws. From GST to income tax, here are some straightforward tips tailored to help Kiwi businesses navigate bookkeeping with tax efficiency in mind.1. Separate Personal and Business Finances, Especially for GST:In New Zealand, businesses with a turnover of $60,000 or more per year are required to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST). To simplify GST reportin...

June 2, 2024

Five Tell-Tale Signs Your Small Business Requires a Virtual Assistant.

After releasing our April Blog detailing our shift towards specialised bookkeeping and payroll services, we thought it fitting to shed light on the topic: Virtual Assistance. Presented here are the 'Five Tell-Tale Signs Your Small Business Requires a Virtual Assistant.' While your specific industry or niche may present additional indicators, these have proven to be red flags signalling a clear need for virtual support. Ultimately, you don’t have to do it alone! Five Tell-Tale Signs Your S...

May 10, 2024

Focus on Excellence: Our Transition to Specialised Bookkeeping and Payroll Services

They say change is as good as a holiday…We hope this message finds you well and businesses thriving. We’ve got exciting news to share about the direction of our services at Time Creator VA Services Ltd.Over the years, we've had the pleasure of providing ad-hoc virtual assistant administration support to many of you. It's been an honour to assist you with various tasks, from email management to document creation and beyond. Your trust and partnership have meant the world to us, and for that, ...

April 17, 2024

10 Essential Tips to Prepare Your Small Business for the New Financial Year

As a busy mum and business owner, juggling everything can feel like a circus act, right? Especially when it comes to keeping those admin headaches in check. With the new financial year approaching, it's a great opportunity to organise your business and prepare for whatever 2024 throws your way. I’ve simplified the process by breaking it down into simple steps:Here are ten top tips and tasks to help you sail smoothly into the new year:1. Focus on Your Financial ReportsLet’s start with the cru...

March 6, 2024

Mastering Balance: Self-Care Tips for a Productive 2024

As February nears, let’s embrace the hustle of the new year. Amid the busyness, don’t forget a key element for success: self-care.In the business realm, self-care goes beyond spa days and bubble baths (though they are great!). It's about discovering what keeps your energy up and your focus sharp, whether you're a solopreneur or leading a team.To perform well, you must recharge, similar to a car needing fuel to travel. Ultimately, no one wants to collaborate with a supervisor or freelancer on...

February 5, 2024

2023 - Reflecting on Lessons Learnt

As the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned along the way. These insights have shaped my perspective and guided me through life’s twists and turns. Before the new year arrives, I wanted to share a few of these valuable takeaways that have contributed to my growth.  For me, this past year has been filled with revelations. I discovered the friendliest of faces may not always have the purest intentions. People present a bucket-load of warmth whil...

December 6, 2023

Mastering the End-of-Year Chaos: Tips for Small Business Owners

We are already midway through October, the days are getting longer with the arrival of Day Light Saving, the blossoms have come and gone (thanks to the huge Spring winds) and now the leaves have started to tentatively spring back to life, and business owners begin getting ready for the annual end-of-year rush. This can be a busy time for small businesses, with financial reports, client needs, and holiday events all vying for attention. But don't worry! With some careful planning and smart action...

October 19, 2023

Year-End Celebrations - It's never too early to be organised

Now that the back-to-school craze is winding down, guess what's peeking around the corner? Yes, you guessed it, the exciting year-end celebrations that need to get sorted. December might seem far away, but guess what? It's never too early to dive into planning those epic year-end bashes, work functions that rock, and all those gift exchanges that spread smiles.In this month's blog post, we're diving into the world of holiday-season awesomeness. Think dazzling parties, office gatherings, and the ...

September 6, 2023

The Imortance of Client Testimonials

Hey there, fabulous readers! Elizna here, your trusty VA extraordinaire! As a proud South African, I can relate to the occasional struggle of taking compliments with ease. However, growing up and now owning my own business, I've come to understand the significance of great feedback and how it fuels the success of Time Creator VA Services!The impact of customer satisfaction has been on my mind recently, and I have to tell you, it’s a game-ganger! Reviews and testimonies from customers are like ...

August 1, 2023

Beat the Winter Slump Pt.2

Remember when we talked about being proactive during the winter months? Well, this month, we're diving into some practical tips to make the most of this downtime. It's the perfect opportunity to tackle all those pesky admin tasks, conquer your overflowing inbox, plan your social media game, connect with potential clients, give your LinkedIn profile a makeover, and get inspired by awesome people like Sarah.Case Study: The Proactive Business Owner's ApproachNow, let's meet Sarah, the superhero bus...

July 4, 2023

Winter - a time for planning and action! Part 1

As we all know, the year didn’t start as smoothly as we had hoped. As winter creeps closer and the slower months arrive, that doesn't mean we have to go into hiding like bears in a cave. Instead, let's use this downtime to plan, organise, and get ourselves ready for when things pick up again. We’ll cover some fantastic proactive strategies that business owners, like yourself, can implement during the quieter months. And hey, if you need a helping hand, don't forget that Time Creator VA Servi...

June 8, 2023

New Financial Year, New Opportunities: How to Make the Most of Your Business's Fresh Start

Setting clear and achievable goals is crucial for any business, regardless of size or industry. Goals are essential for providing direction and a sense of purpose, and they help keep everyone in the business aligned and working towards the same objectives. To ensure your goals are effective, it's important to use the SMART criteria. This acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By defining goals that meet these criteria, you can create a clear roadmap for ac...

May 3, 2023

From Chaos to Order: Diary Management Strategies for Busy Professionals

As a busy professional, you are likely all too familiar with the feeling of being overwhelmed by your schedule. Managing your time effectively and staying on top of your diary can be challenging when you have many work commitments, social engagements, personal obligations, and other responsibilities vying for your attention. Time and attention demands can leave you feeling anxious and stressed, struggling to maintain a sense of order and control. Diary management strategies can help you regain c...

April 3, 2023

Boundaries and setting tasks - You've got this!

Starting and running a small business can be quite a challenging task. As a business owner, you have a long list of tasks and responsibilities that need to be taken care of regularly. With so much on your plate, keeping your work-life balance in check can be challenging. Clearly defined working hours can be a game-changer for your business. Developing your working hours gives you a structure to help manage your time more effectively. Assign specific timeframes for certain tasks so that you don...

February 28, 2023

Welcome, 2023!

Welcome, 2023!Happy New Year to you all. As with Chinese Culture, the new year only starts on Sunday, 22 January. 2023 sees in the Year of the Rabbit. The year of the Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity. May this be your best year yet!I hope you all had a great Festive Season and time spent with loved ones; where you laughed till your stomach ached; ate too much and the wine flowed a bit too freely. I certainly have had an amazing break, and enjoyed time spent with my loved on...

January 24, 2023

Achieving what I set out to do

It has been a while since I last posted a blog and it’s easy to sit here and try to make excuses, which all hold validity in my head, but in the end, it comes down to me not making the time or scheduling the time to write my blogs. However, realising this and the time of year, I thought, what better way to end this year than with my last blog for 2022 – I know it’s only my fourth, but it is the last for the year. This year for me, and I think for many of you, has gone by in a flash and bef...

December 8, 2022

A Daughter's Point of View - by Joslyne Tinone

This month we are changing things up a wee bit…we invited a guest blogger to offer their viewpoint on the positive impacts of running your own small business while working from home…Please welcome my daughter, Joslyne Tinone!Elizna Tinone, the owner of Time Creator VA Services, is also known as my mum. Approximately two years ago my mum started her own business. It changed everything. When I found out my mum was starting her own business my reaction was like most teenagers' reactio...

July 26, 2022

What makes The Perfect VA/The Perfect Client?

Wow, we are almost at the end of the month and time for our next blog. Previously, we discussed other topics about Virtual Assistants that can be found on our websiteunder our Blog section. This month, we are talking about what makes The Perfect VA/The Perfect Client. Although there isno right or wrong, the qualities listed below are what I believe to be the contributing factors for ThePerfect VA/Perfect Client. The Perfect VA/The Perfect Client isn’t a specific individual in the broad sense, ...

May 26, 2022

What is a Virtual Assistant?

Have you ever read about a Virtual Assistant or VA and weren’t sure what it is? No need to feel alone, many people have never heard of this term, and neither had I until about three years ago.When I was on the board of an Administration Association, I welcomed a friendly face at oneof our ‘Meet and Greet’ events. When I introduced myself as a part-time administrator, Iasked her what she did. She replied, “I run a VA company.” I pondered the words andthought “wait, what’s that?” R...

May 23, 2022

Questions for your Potential VA (before signing up)

Last month, we have touched on what a Virtual Assistant is. If you haven’t read this blog or wantto know more about it, you can find it here.This month, I am touching on a couple of important questions you need to ask any potential VA.The key to remember when having a discovery call with your potential right-hand person is thatit is exactly what it sounds like - a Discovery Call – an information gathering session. Eventhough you will need to treat this like you would treat a potential employ...

April 29, 2022 Posts 1-21 of 21 | Page